What A Guy Wants In A Long-Term Relationship

Most people have a relationship checklist, whether it’s written down or just in their head, of what they expect from a long-term arrangement. This differs for every person, but in general, there are some important things guys will expect from their forever partners, especially if it’s going to work in the long run.

  1. Someone who knows what he likes in bed Men are often more sexually driven than their female counterparts. Finding a woman who not only accepts his bedroom preferences but goes out of the way to satisfy them will likely be high on his list. Moreover, guys want a woman that can keep the passion going not only for hours during a romp but also for years over the course of their relationship.
  2. Someone who’s happy to pay up Most guys are annoyed when the girl insists he pay on the first date, let alone if she continues assuming he’ll pay during their entire relationship. Being able to share financial responsibilities is important in any relationship, but especially for long-term couples that move in together. If you’re not on the same page about finances, it could be a deal breaker for him.
  3. A little bit of sass, a whole lot of class There’s a fine line between classiness and, well, trashiness. Guys like a girl who can keep up with in bed and at the bar, but they also love one who can get all dolled up before meeting his parents. You shouldn’t have to change yourself for him. But having confidence and a high self-worth will make you all the more attractive.
  4. Someone who doesn’t sweat the small stuff Guys love to tell women that they’re drama queens or are overreacting. Most men want a woman that’s relaxed and easy-going, or at the very least doesn’t make a big deal out of small things. This requires maturity, and if a girl isn’t there yet, it may be a sign she’s not ready for long-term commitment.
  5. Someone who reminds him of his mom Just like they say women go for guys that remind them of their dad (subconsciously, of course), they’re also an old wives’ tale that says men go for women who remind them of their mom. As much as a man likes to be the protector, he also wants to be feel taken care of. Having his partner make him feel safe and secure is a must.
  6. Support for his goals and dreams no matter what Getting into a long-term relationship at a young age is especially tricky because no one can predict the course their life will take. He could be offered a dream job out of state or he wants to quit his job to go traveling. A man wants to feel supported in his life’s goals, even if it means the future of your relationship is up in the air. He’ll expect you to put each other first, even if means making tough sacrifices.
  7. Someone who doesn’t give him reasons to be jealous It’s easy enough to flirt with someone or post a suggestive selfie when you’re on the rocks with your partner. Most guys want to avoid drama in their relationship but giving him reasons to be jealous just appears immature and high school-ish, which won’t help him see you as relationship material.
  8. Someone who has their act together Women always say they want their partners to have things together – he needs a car, a job, and savings. But the same goes for women. Men like it when a woman has her life figured out and has things going for her. Not only is ambition attractive, but it will also help him envision a relationship with you in the long-term.
  9. Someone who can have a real conversation with him Everyone likes to be stimulated intellectually. A guy can see himself with a girl in the long run if she’s always able to pick his brain or get him talking. This is a sign of a real connection, after all. Moreover, it’ll help him feel able to open up about deeper subjects, something he’ll expect of a long-term partner.
  10. Someone who doesn’t have a stick up her butt Finally, what guys value the most is a fun girl. In a long-term relationship, it’s especially important that he can see you two doing countless things together. But if you’re stuck up, rude, or constantly reminding him of your insecurities, then it’ll be a turn-off. Similarly, don’t be too controlling or obsessive over things (like social media), otherwise your long-term relationship will be shorter than expected.

Knowing what a guy wants from a long-term relationship can help you figure out how to make things work between the two of you. But remember – you never need to change yourself for a guy.

Alexandra is a freelance writer in Montreal, Quebec. She enjoys shopping as a sport, Buffy the Vampire Slayer re-runs, and being a plant mom.