‘Supermarket Sweep’ Is Now On Netflix If You’re Into ’90s Nostalgia

‘Supermarket Sweep’ Is Now On Netflix If You’re Into ’90s Nostalgia Netflix

I can’t tell you how many hours I spent as a kid watching Supermarket Sweep. It used to come on right before Shop ‘Til You Drop (another classic ’90s show!) and it was my favorite. In fact, I always wished I could go on the show and daydreamed about running through the aisles of the grocery store throwing expensive hams and diapers in my cart to win the game. I may not have achieved that dream, but I can relive the glory because Netflix has added a full season of Supermarket Sweep to the streaming service and I can’t wait to watch.

  1. Has there ever been a better game show than Supermarket Sweep? I mean, yes, game shows in the ’80s and ’90s were generally awesome, but the concept of trying to rack up a huge supermarket bill while also picking up “specials” and inflatable bonus items was just so fun and very much of the time. Thank goodness Netflix has gotten a hold of some episodes.
  2. Sadly, Netflix only has one season of Supermarket Sweep so far. There are currently 15 episodes from 1993 on the platform, and given that each episode is only about 20 minutes long minus the commercials, that means it’ll be pretty easy to plow through them in no time. Ugh! Oh well, we need to be grateful for what we have!
  3. The show was supposed to make a comeback. A new version with Saturday Night Live‘s Leslie Jones at the host was due to begin filming this spring, but do to the pandemic, that hasn’t happened. Here’s hoping they’re able to pick up production soon! In the meantime, it’s already back in the UK, with X Factor and Big Brother alum Rylan Clark hosting. And yes, it’s just as good as the original.
  4. This is exactly the kind of content we need right now. At the moment, the world feels like it’s falling apart on a daily basis and we all need something a little more lighthearted and fun to give us a break from the tough stuff. That’s why rewatching classic Supermarket Sweep episodes is the perfect distraction. Thanks, Netflix!

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