Stop Looking For Love—It’ll Happen While You’re Busy Living An Amazing Life

Do you ever feel like your life is on hold while you wait for that special someone to share it with? We’re so obsessed with finding “The One” that we forget to actually be the amazing women we normally are. The thing is, the more we search out the men of our dreams, the more elusive he becomes. Focus on being your normal badass self instead and your dream guy won’t be far behind.

  1. Waiting for your prince to come might seem hopelessly romantic… It’s a tale as old as time, from Snow White warbling “Someday My Prince Will Come” to the women in every modern rom-com stumbling through life waiting for a guy. We have this vision in our heads of ourselves as the fairy tale princess holding out for her prince. We genuinely believe that when he arrives, everything else will fall into place.
  2. … But the reality is boring AF. You know what? That logic does NOT lead to a good time. Moping about just because you’re single isn’t just boring AF, but it makes you a boring person too. Why waste months, potentially years of your life hanging around waiting for something (or someone) to happen? You’ll have a far better time (and be far more fun to hang out with) if you go out and do something.
  3. How many guys have you met sitting on your sofa at home? Not only is sitting around thinking about your dream guy dull as dishwater, it won’t actually help you meet him. I don’t know about you, but the last time I looked, there were no eligible bachelors to be found under my sofa. If you’re serious about meeting someone, you need to occasionally venture out from under your slanket.
  4. Sitting on a barstool throwing longing glances isn’t any better. Because let’s face it, where’s the fun in that? The quickest way to taste rejection is to go out purely with the aim of meeting “The One.” Spending time with your girlfriends is a great night out in its own right, and no man can beat the side-splitting laughter induced after a few cocktails with your bestie.
  5. You’ll be amazed at what you can get up to when finding Mr. Right isn’t top priority. Now that looking super hot and dateable all the time can be wiped from the agenda, the possibilities are endless. Take up that random hobby you’ve always wanted to try, dare to speak up a controversial opinion or really dance like no one’s watching when you next hit the club.
  6. Use the time you have now to rediscover everything you love. Let yourself indulge in all those activities that were written off because you’d never meet a man doing them. Baking, spa days and barre classes are all back on the list. You might notice that now that you’re actually letting yourself have fun, finding a man to share it with seems a little less important.
  7. Boldly going after what you want might actually get you noticed. Who’s more likely to catch your eye? The girl who always texts back within 10 seconds and who never seems up to anything much or the life and soul of the party who’s always busy planning her next adventure? There’s an infectious attraction to people who get busy doing what they love, and it’s far more likely to get you noticed than waiting on the sidelines for a guy is.
  8. You’ll meet new, interesting people. If you aren’t currently with The One, chances are it’s because you haven’t actually met them yet. Going out and enjoying yourself means that you’re far more likely to be thrown into the path of future love interests. And if not? You’ll definitely meet some fun, interesting people along the way.
  9. Who knows? Someone you meet might be impressed by the strong, independent woman you’ve become. With all the confidence you’ve gained from pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, chances are you’re pretty unrecognisable compared to the delicate petal waiting for her dream man to land in her lap. The result? You might find that you’re suddenly getting more attention. It’s a shame that now you have so much less time for it.
  10. You might just be having too good a time to give them the time of day. Because once you’ve realized how much fun just being yourself for yourself is, who’s to say there’s still room for a man in your life? Just because someone suddenly wants a slice of that action doesn’t mean you have to make room for them in your schedule.
  11. Because, single or in a relationship, you’ve got far more important things to do than sit around. Whether you decide to stay single or take the plunge into a relationship, it should only ever be to enhance the life you’re already living to the full—never to become your life itself. You’re far too important to wait around for a guy to call the shots in your life.
Isobel is a freelance blogger and writer for hire specialising in content for millennials who haven't quite got it together yet (i.e. herself). When not glued to her laptop, she enjoys eating cheese, doing yoga and spending time with family and friends.