Your Pessimistic Drunk Thoughts Are Liars — Don’t Pay Attention To Them

We’ve all had those horrible drunken nights where we go to our dark place, the place where you can’t stop the anxious and depressive thoughts from rolling in. I know I’ve had these nights before. But I also know the best thing I ever did for myself was choose not to believe what I was drunkenly thinking, and neither should you.

  1. Why am I single? If you’ve been single for awhile, this one comes up a lot. I know, because I spent four years straight being single AF. I remember all the self-doubt that crept into my head no matter how many times I tried to push it away. But I also know that your relationship status doesn’t define your worth whatsoever. It’s not a reflection of you. Just because you haven’t met someone worth dating doesn’t mean you’re any less amazing.
  2. I should text my ex. Bad idea, girl. No matter how good of friends you are with your ex, you should never, ever, ever text them when you’re intoxicated. It’ll just lead to saying things that you’ll regret the next day. There is nothing worse than waking up feeling hungover AF and remembering all the embarrassing texts you sent the night before. It’s best to leave it for tomorrow.
  3. Why am I not more successful by now? I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: comparison is the thief of all joy, and social media is (almost entirely) to blame. You’ll spend fifteen minutes stalking someone’s Instagram feed, and all of a sudden you’re convinced that they have a way more amazing life than you. The best advice I have for these thoughts is something my mom always said to me: everyone has their journey, and you’ll always be ahead of some and behind others, so just enjoy where you’re at now.
  4. My life isn’t where I want it to be. You could be single, in a dead end job, or broke, but it shouldn’t matter. Newsflash: no one has their life perfectly put together, not people in their 20s, 30s or even 40s. People are constantly just trying to figure things out, so you’re in good company.
  5. There must be something wrong with me. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you if you haven’t reached your goals yet or if you’re stuck in a particular stage of life. It just means that you need to keep trying. So you don’t have your dream job or the perfect husband yet — who cares? The fun is all in the journey anyways.
  6. I should confront my friend about that thing that bugged me… like, right now. Talking out an issue with a friend might seem like a good idea when you’re drunk, but trust me: it isn’t. Things will get misconstrued and taken way over the top. Just wait until you’re both sober and then have her over for some coffee. No one wants to be those screaming friends in the bathroom of a club.
  7. I’ll never be good enough. I honestly believe that 99 percent of people don’t reach their goals only because they don’t think they deserve it. This is probably the worst thing you can believe about yourself because it will hinder you for the rest of your life. If you start to feel you’re good enough, even just a little bit, you’ll be surprised at the miracles that come your way.
  8. My ex was right about me. Exes will say crappy things when you break up. It’s the classic “hurt people will hurt people” scenario. But you should know that nothing they say about you has to be true. Just because someone is angry and hurting doesn’t mean they’re right. In fact, it usually means quite the opposite.
  9. I’ll never meet the one. I’d just like to reassure every doubtful person on the planet right now: you WILL meet The One. You will meet someone who loves every single inch of you, from your hair down to your toes. You will meet someone who makes you laugh until you cry and who holds you when you need it. It may take some time, but you will meet them. Don’t let your drunken self convince you otherwise.
  10. I’m too unattractive to be loved. I can’t tell you a number of nights I felt too ugly for anyone to love me. When you’re drunk, you read into everything way too much. Don’t let yourself get dragged down just because that stupid drunk guy wasn’t as into you as he should have been. You’re a catch, believe that.
Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.