How To Bring The Romance Back To Your Relationship Before It Dies Completely

How To Bring The Romance Back To Your Relationship Before It Dies Completely

Relationships can get stale if you’re not careful.

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The spark fades, routine takes over, and suddenly you’re more like roommates than lovers. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can breathe new life into your relationship before it flatlines. Here are 15 practical ways to reignite the romance and keep your love alive.

1. Surprise them with small gestures.

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Don’t wait for birthdays or anniversaries — random acts of kindness go a long way. Leave a note in their lunch box, bring home their favorite snack, or send a text just to say you’re thinking of them. It’s not about grand gestures; it’s about showing you care in little ways every day, Verywell Mind points out.

2. Bring back physical affection.

sad couple in argument in bed

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Touch is powerful. Hold hands while walking, give a quick hug in the kitchen, or kiss them goodbye properly. These small moments of physical connection keep the spark alive. Don’t let busy schedules push out these important touches. Make them a priority.

3. Plan regular date nights.

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Set aside time just for the two of you. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. Cook dinner together, go for a walk in the park, or try a new hobby. The key is undivided attention. Put away your phones and focus on each other. Make it a non-negotiable part of your routine.

4. Spice up your intimate life.

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Sex can become predictable over time. Mix things up. Try new positions, locations, or toys. Talk openly about your desires and fantasies. Be willing to experiment. Remember, it’s not just about the act itself, but the intimacy and connection it brings.

5. Show genuine interest in their day.

boring relationship

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Ask about their day and really listen. Don’t just nod along while scrolling through your phone. Ask follow-up questions. Remember the details they share and bring them up later. Showing you care about their daily life keeps you connected on a deeper level.

6. Compliment them sincerely.

frustrated woman with boyfriend in bed

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Don’t just comment on their looks. Praise their character, their skills, their efforts. Be specific. Instead of “You look nice,” try “I love how your eyes light up when you talk about your work.” Genuine compliments boost confidence and strengthen your bond.

7. Try new things together.

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Shared experiences create lasting memories. Take a cooking class, go on a weekend trip to a new place, or learn a language together. Stepping out of your comfort zone as a team brings you closer and gives you new things to talk about.

8. Bring back the flirting.

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Remember how you used to flirt when you first met? Bring that back. Send flirty texts, give them a cheeky wink across the room, or whisper something sexy in their ear. Keep that playful, teasing energy alive in your relationship.

9. Show appreciation regularly.

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Don’t take your partner for granted. Thank them for the things they do, even the everyday stuff. “Thanks for making dinner” or “I appreciate you taking out the trash” goes a long way. Feeling valued keeps resentment at bay and strengthens your connection.

10. Create new traditions.

couple ignoring each other on phones in living room

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Start something that’s unique to your relationship. Maybe it’s Sunday morning pancakes, a yearly camping trip, or a special way to celebrate milestones. These traditions become the threads that weave your lives together and give you things to look forward to.

11. Give them your full attention.

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When they’re talking to you, put down your phone. Look them in the eye. Show them they’re more important than whatever’s on your screen. This undivided attention makes them feel valued and heard, strengthening your emotional connection.

12. Support their goals and dreams.

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Be their biggest cheerleader. Whether it’s a career change, a fitness goal, or a new hobby, show genuine interest and encouragement. Offer help when needed, but also give them space to pursue their passions. Supporting each other’s growth keeps the relationship dynamic.

13. Bring back the element of surprise.

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According to Time, predictability can kill romance. Surprise them with an unexpected date, a small gift, or by doing one of their chores. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive. The element of surprise keeps things exciting and shows you’re still putting effort into the relationship.

14. Address issues head-on.

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Don’t let resentment build up. If something’s bothering you, talk about it calmly and directly. Use “I” statements to express your feelings without blaming. Tackle problems together as a team. Open communication keeps small issues from becoming relationship-killers.

15. Reminisce about your early days.

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Talk about how you met, your first date, why you fell in love. Revisit old date spots or recreate a memorable moment from your past. Remembering why you got together in the first place can reignite those initial feelings and remind you of your connection.

Originally from Australia, Emma Mills graduated from the University of Queensland with a dual degree in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics before moving to Los Angeles to become a professional matchmaker (a bit of a shift, obviously). Since 2015, she has helped more than 150 people find lasting love and remains passionate about bringing amazing singletons together.

Emma is also the author of the upcoming Hachette publication, "Off the Beaten Track: Finding Lasting Love in the Least Likely of Places," due out in January 2025.