Are You Dating Or In A Relationship? How To Know Where You Stand With Him


You’ve been “hanging out” for a while now and things are going well, but that hasn’t made it any easier to decide where exactly you stand. Are you dating or in a relationship? If you haven’t actually talked about that but you still want to know, here are some signs to look out for that will let you know the status of the connection you share (and will hopefully continue to grow for a very long time).

  1. Couples that are in a relationship are on the same page about what they are. Maybe you haven’t had “The Talk” to put a real title on your relationship, but you and your boyfriend do feel the same way about each other and about where you’re headed. Maybe you’ve decided to be exclusive or simply told each other you’re crazy about each other (and you can feel his sincerity in the way he acts, not just hear it in his words).
  2. Couples that are in a relationship have expectations. If you’re just dating someone, chances are there’s a bit more freedom involved in terms of what’s expected of your partner. However, couples who are in a relationship can safely assume certain things: that their partner will stay faithful, that they’ll be there for them during tough times, that they’re building a solid future together, etc.
  3. Couples that are dating communicate less and differently. When you’re simply dating someone, you’re likely not double or triple texting them daily and relaying every last second of your day to them because that would be crazy and probably scare them off. When you’re in an official relationship, however, it’s pretty much the norm. Whether you’re simply relaying that you got the last baguette at Whole Foods or that you spilled coffee on your new white sweater, there’s no limit to the silly stuff you share.
  4. Couples that are in a relationship prioritize each other. When you’re in a relationship, your partner is a priority. You might have lots of other stuff going on, from family drama to a high-stress career. However, you still make room for your S.O. and always ensure that you’re there for them and that they feel important to you because they are. When you’re just dating, they kinda fit in where they can in your hectic life.
  5. Couples that are dating don’t fully let each other in. When you’re only dating someone, you’re going to keep the other person at arm’s length and not let them in on all the skeletons in your closet. That’s something that’s reserved for your partner when you’re actually in a relationship and can trust them a bit more not to judge or abandon you for your truth.
  6. Couples that are in a relationship share emotional intimacy not just physical. Sex can be fantastic between couples that are just dating, but by the time you get to the relationship phase, there’s something much deeper there. An emotional connection exists which makes the physical all that more amazing. Ugh, isn’t love great?
Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia