You Can’t Have A Great Relationship If You Don’t Realize Your Greatness

Like attracts like. If you believe you’re worthy of a great relationship and refuse to accept anything less, you’ll set the scene for it to enter your life — and you’ll be a happier person in general. It’s not magic or wishful thinking, either. You have to be confident in yourself and own your greatness before you find the love you’ve always dreamed about — here’s why:

  1. When you realize your greatness, you know the power of loving yourselfWhen you love yourself, you treat yourself with respect and care. That means that you only accept a partner who treats you in the same way — and who respects himself too! This sets the stage for a healthy relationship, no toxic men allowed.
  2. When you realize your greatness, you know your worth. You’re priceless. If you know that, you won’t depend on men to make you feel good about yourself. You won’t be clingy or desperate, waiting on a man. You won’t sell yourself short to be with someone. You’re too good for that crap because you know you’re worth more than people’s opinions.
  3. When you realize your greatness, you know you’re great alone. Sure, you’d make anyone an awesome girlfriend, but you can be awesome on your own too. You don’t need to have someone in order to function because you have created a wonderful, fulfilling life for yourself.
  4. When you realize your greatness, you know you’re a catch. So, about you being an awesome catch — you need to own that stuff. When you know all the great qualities you bring to the relationship table, you make sure you never date down. That means not dating anyone who doesn’t meet your awesomeness on all levels.
  5. When you realize your greatness, you know what you deserve. What do you deserve? The best in a partner and exactly what you would give to him. When you know that you deserve a man who is 100 percent committed, loyal and amazing to you, you raise the bar to prevent players and losers from trying their luck. You save yourself a lot of drama.
  6. When you realize your greatness, you know your standards are worth gold. Like hell will you sacrifice your high standards for so-called love or allow men to walk all over you. No way! You know that your standards keep you focused on self-respect and they weed out the guys who aren’t man enough to meet them.
  7. When you realize your greatness, you won’t settleYou know what you want from men and you won’t date just to have someone. You’re an amazing person who doesn’t have to be with someone in order to be happy or to keep society satisfied. Hell no. You are way too amazing to stick with someone who doesn’t make you happy.
  8. When you realize your greatness, you learn from your past. You’re not perfect. You’ve made mistakes in your dating past. Maybe you even dated one or two toxic men that were bad for you. Whatever the case, you’re great because of those mistakes from which you’ve learned a heck of a lot. They have made you stronger so you won’t repeat those mistakes, and you’ll choose men who do you justice.
  9. When you realize your greatness, you’re focused on making a great life. You’re not only concentrating on finding a great guy. You know you’re a great woman and your life is filled with lots of amazing things. This, ironically, makes you a catch because you’re independent and interesting.
  10. When you realize your greatness, you constantly strive to be better. You can see what makes you wonderful and what you’d like to improve about yourself. This is a powerful thing because it means you’re always working towards becoming a more amazing person and it makes you more aware of the men who cross your path. It makes you want to be with someone who is also focused on self-growth and who can grow with you in a relationship that makes you better instead of keeping you stuck.
  11. When you realize your greatness, you attract good things to your life. Opening your eyes to greatness in yourself makes you notice it around you too. You end up attracting greatness to yourself, including when it comes to your dating life. Like really does attract like at the end of the day.  
Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.