Black Magic Petunias Are The Perfect Way To Indulge Your Inner Goth

If you love uniquely beautiful plant life, buckle up because I’m about to blow your mind with one of the darkest (literally) yet most incredible flowers you’ll ever see. I’m talking about the Black Magic petunia, obviously, and once you see it, you’re going to want to plant a million of them immediately.

  1. They’re pretty rock ‘n’ roll, don’t you think? Those velvety black petals make Black Magic petunias a totally hardcore flower that even the darkest of goths can appreciate. Have you ever seen petals so badass? I don’t think so.
  2. In all seriousness, though, they are really pretty. It’s not often that you see a black flower, but Black Magic petunias manage to retain the refinement and grace you’d expect from softer, more classically “pretty” shade like pink and white. They’re amazing!
  3. Oddly enough, they thrive on sunshine. While you would expect such a goth plant to prefer constant darkness/shade, that’s not the case here. Black Magic petunias thrive in full sun, which is their ideal condition. It grows quickly in both planters and pots and you don’t even have to deadhead it. Can it get any more perfect?
  4. They’d make a perfect addition to any garden. If you love plants that stand out and really make a statement, these definitely fit the bill. Black Magic petunias reach heights of between 10 and 16 inches and spread anywhere from 16 to 20 inches. They can deal with heat and drought and since it’s an annual, it will bloom every year.
  5. They’re easy enough to grow and you can buy seeds online. If you can’t find a Black Magic petunia plant at your local garden center, you can always buy some seeds on Amazon* and grow your own. Instructions are easy enough to find online and you’ll get to show off your green thumb. What could be better?

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