9 Powerful Signs Of Chemistry Between Two People

Chemistry is one of the important pillars of healthy and successful relationships. Without that natural connection and the feeling that two people click, a relationship tends to feel strained or forced. Even when someone meets all your standards, you can end up just having a friendship with them if you don’t share that romantic chemistry. So how do you know if you’ve got chemistry with the person you’ve just started seeing? Read this list for the most powerful signs that the two of you share an indisputable connection.

  1. Definite attraction Chemistry is often fortified by an undeniable attraction between two people. A lot of the time, you won’t be able to put your finger on it. If you look at each other objectively, you might not be able to pinpoint exactly what it is about each other that you’re attracted to. Maybe they don’t have the hair color that you normally like. Or maybe their dress sense isn’t your type. In spite of that, you’ll still be attracted to them. Often, the attraction between two people who share chemistry runs deeper than just the physical level.
  2. Easy-breezy hangouts You know those people that are so easy to hang out with? When you spend time with them, the hours seem to fly by. There might be silences every now and then, but they’re not awkward. You’re just comfortable in each other’s presence. And often, hanging out is fun and you spend all the time laughing. That’s a sign of chemistry. You definitely don’t have chemistry with people with whom spending time is like pulling teeth!
  3. Conversation that flows Part of the reason why it’s easy to hang out with people you have chemistry with is talking to them is easy. When you have chemistry with someone, the conversation will just flow naturally. You’ll always seem to find things to talk about. And the conversation won’t feel forced or boring. You’ll genuinely love talking to them. They won’t shut you down or make you feel silly for bringing things up. Instead, you’ll naturally get the sense that they provide a safe place to open up.
  4. The desire for each other’s company Often when two people share chemistry, they crave each other’s company. Depending on how well they know each other, they might also think about each other when they’re not together. Because they have so much fun when they do hang out, they’ll naturally want to see each other again. They’ll be excited when each other’s names pop up on their phones. The possibility of seeing each other definitely won’t feel like a chore.
  5. An understanding of each other Two people who are connected by chemistry are more likely to understand each other. They’ll be able to relate to each other and understand what makes the other tick. They might not necessarily agree on everything. And they might have quite a few differences. But they’ll still get the essence of one another, even when not many other people do.
  6. The good kind of butterflies There’s a difference between good and bad butterflies. Bad butterflies happen when you’re dreading something. They happen when your instincts tell you that something’s not right. But good butterflies are that fluttering feeling you get when you’re nervous about something exciting. And when you have chemistry with another person, they’ll often give you the good butterflies (not the bad ones!). That fluttering feeling is a good sign!
  7. The ability to be yourself One of the hallmark signs of having chemistry with someone is the ability to be yourself. Because people who share chemistry tend to understand each other, they also don’t judge each other. You feel like you can be exactly who you are in their presence without having to hide anything. It’s the opposite feeling to having to tiptoe around people and alter yourself to get their approval. When you’re with someone you have chemistry with, you feel like you are enough.
  8. The ability to naturally flirt Have you ever wondered why flirting with some people is so easy? And why flirting with others is awkward and embarrassing and you can never get it right? The problem might not be you. It’s a lot easier to flirt with people you share romantic chemistry with. You’ll naturally flow with them. They’ll get your jokes and you’ll get theirs. You won’t get so nervous and tongue-tied. Everything will feel very natural, leading to you having more confidence to flirt.
  9. Non-awkward eye contact Eye contact can help to cement the bond between two people. But it can also be painfully awkward if the levels aren’t right. You’ll find that it feels easy and natural to make eye contact with someone when you’ve got chemistry with them. On the other hand, when you’re not well-suited to someone, looking them in the eyes can be uncomfortable for both of you. According to Bustle, being able to maintain eye contact can create a sense of intimacy and also shows romantic interest. So it’s another telling sign of chemistry between two people.
Vanessa Locampo is an Aussie writer who’s equally obsessed with YA fiction and pasta. Her time is divided between writing all the things, reading all the things, listening to Queen, and bopping her cat on the nose. She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing and has written for sites including Hotsprings.co and Discovering Montana, and currently works as an editor at Glam. You can keep up with her on Instagram @vanessaellewrites.