9 Little Things that Make Me Feel Sexy AF

9 Little Things that Make Me Feel Sexy AF ©iStock/south_agency

Unlike beauty, sexy isn’t always in the eye of the beholder. Personally, I find myself feeling sexy based on little everyday things way more than when a man tells me he thinks I am. Here are just a few things that make me feel sexy AF every single day:

  1. Fixing a flat tire. The first time I had to do this, I panicked. I believed I couldn’t accomplish it without the help of a guy. True, a guy had to teach me how to do it, but the next time I was ready and I handled it all on my own. Nothing makes me feel as sexy as getting stuff done, solo.
  2. Paying my own bills. For real, this is the best. Not being dependent on someone else writing out my rent check? That’s an endorphin booster all on its own. Feeling capable makes me feel sexy.
  3. Showing off my intelligence. The spark I feel when engaging in a challenging conversation is all about my intellect and inner sense of intelligence. Smart is sexy, and when I find myself holding my own in a battle of the wits, I feel sexier than ever.
  4. Taking the world’s longest shower. I know this is bad (hello, save the earth and all that) so I reserve it for special occasions. But there’s something about the luxurious feeling of taking my time with the soaps and suds that really gets me feelin’ myself.
  5. Pushing my body to the limit. I’m not necessarily a fitness guru (far from it, actually), but getting outside and getting moving is helpful for so many reasons. After going for a long run, I’m sweaty and exhausted, yes, but I feel so invigorated and alive when I’m done. That boosts the sexy feels by at least a full 100%.
  6. Treating myself to something I want. I don’t lead an extravagant lifestyle by any means. However, I love the small kinds of treats I can give to myself to boost my own mood. Cupcake after work? A new purse I’ve been eyeing for months? Splurge on a massage? Don’t mind if I do, thanks.
  7. Helping to solve a problem. Getting my brain in the mix to help fix a predicament for a friend is a challenge I love accepting. Not only is helping people a great confidence boost, but working through a complex issue and coming to a great solution is an internal boost like no other.
  8. Staying in bed until noon. Not setting my alarm is a true luxury that I can seldom afford. When I sleep in, waking up slowly makes me feel sexy. Who cares about the morning breath and messy hair? The haze of waking up is almost its own aphrodisiac.
  9. Eating out alone. I’m not out to get someone to take pity on me and buy me a drink. I’m out alone because I want to be, because finding my own company satisfying is important and empowering. Riding solo while dining out at a nice place isn’t something that’s very common, but I love it. I feel empowered and definitely sexy when my only dinner date is myself and a good book.
Becca Rose is a writer with high hopes for her student loan debt. She's a musician and aspiring novelist, but don't ask her to write poetry, because she's terrible at it. She has written for HelloGiggles, The Toast, The Huffington Post, and more. You can find her on Twitter @bookbeaut