7 Ways Love Can Work Miracles If You Let It

7 Ways Love Can Work Miracles If You Let It ©iStock/Geber86

We get back what we put out into the world. If we love, we’ll be loved. If we’re peaceful, we will feel peace. If we are hateful, we will receive hatred. If we understand, we will be understood. As we give out love in all situations, we can work miracles. Once you approach the world with the idea that only love exists, the world becomes an easier place to handle. Love is the only wand that can do magic.

  1. Love can lift you up. If you accept nothing less than love from every person, you will feel lifted and powerful. This means, however, that anything that comes at you that is not love, toss it away.
  2. Love can make you brave. If you know that you accept nothing less than love in all situations, this makes you fearless and able to tackle anything in your life. Been too scared to approach the cute coffee barista you see every morning? Don’t be. If he turns you down, remember that you accept nothing but love anyways. Smile, and move on.
  3. Love can give you hope. The more you give the world your love, the more you receive it (what we put out into the world, we receive, remember?) and the more you receive it, the more you will believe that this world is a beautiful place and anything is possible.
  4. Love can make your bad mood disappear in an instant. Spill your coffee? Got a flat tire? Did your boyfriend break up with you? Think of something you love. Play your favorite song. Visit a pet shelter and hugs some puppies. See if your bad day doesn’t disappear when you throw in a little love.
  5. Love can make your enemies vanish. Love them, no matter what. I’m not saying to become their best friend, forgive them for wrong doings, or continue a cycle of unhealthy communication. But, when you love them, they are no longer an enemy but a person who just needs more love. Give it to them.
  6. Love can fix your relationship. Not all relationships are giggles and cuddles everyday. Some require more work than others. Some are not meant to be. Only love can fix your relationship; not hate or words of spite. When you’re fighting, stop mid-scream and say “I love you.” No matter what, just keep saying it. If he doesn’t return the words, that’s okay. Say it again until the fight is over. Love can fix anything. And if the relationship is doomed to be over, love him anyways. Fixing a relationship doesn’t necessarily mean staying together.
  7. Love can heal the world. If you truly believe that people are just animated forms of love-energy, than this world has just become a better place. Terrorists in the Middle East? Love them; they don’t know any better and be responsible for what you put out into the world. Abusive mother? Love her. She doesn’t know any better and be responsible for what you put out into the world. Hungry children in Africa? Love them. Be responsible for what you put out into the world for what you put out into the world, you receive; I can’t say it enough. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everybody just put out love into the world? If you let it, love can be magic.
Kasandra Lynn is a freelance writer and blogger living in a small town. She is an aspiring novelist with a BA in English, has completed 2 novels, writes for multiple non-profit organizations and gets her blog, FairlyChic.com, published in a weekly column for her local newspaper.