15 Ways To Show Your Partner You Appreciate Them (That Aren’t Just Words)

Saying “I love you” is great, but sometimes actions speak louder than words, especially in relationships. Showing your partner you appreciate them goes beyond verbal affirmations. It’s about those little gestures, the thoughtful acts that demonstrate you’re truly paying attention and care about their happiness. If you’re looking for ways to express your love without relying solely on words, here are some ideas to get you started.

1. Take on their least favorite chore.

happy couple kissing on cheek on beach

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We all have that one chore we absolutely dread. Maybe it’s unloading the dishwasher, folding laundry, or scrubbing the bathroom. Surprise your partner by taking care of it for them without being asked. It’s a small act of service that can make a big difference in their day, Verywell Mind notes.

2. Prepare their favorite meal or snack.

man hugs girlfriend from behind in kitchen

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The way to someone’s heart is often through their stomach. Whether it’s cooking a full-blown dinner or simply whipping up their go-to snack, this gesture shows you care about their preferences and want to make them happy. Bonus points for breakfast in bed!

3. Give them a massage after a long day.

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A soothing massage can work wonders for melting away stress and tension. Offer to give your partner a back rub, foot massage, or even a full-body treatment. It’s a physical way to express your love and care for their well-being.

4. Plan a surprise date or outing.

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Shake things up by planning a surprise date or activity that you know your partner will enjoy. It could be a picnic in the park, tickets to a concert, or even a weekend getaway. The element of surprise adds an extra layer of excitement and shows you’ve put thought into making them happy.

5. Leave them a handwritten note.

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In the age of digital communication, a handwritten note feels extra special. Leave a sweet message on a sticky note, write a love letter, or create a thoughtful card. It’s a tangible reminder of your affection that they can cherish.

6. Take care of their pet (or plant).

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If your partner has a furry friend or a beloved plant, offer to take care of it for them. Walk their dog, clean the litter box, water their plants, or even just spend some quality time with their pet. It’s a gesture that shows you care about the things that are important to them.

7. Handle a task they’ve been putting off.

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We all have those nagging to-dos that keep getting pushed to the back burner. Maybe it’s fixing a leaky faucet, changing a lightbulb, or organizing a cluttered closet. Surprise your partner by taking care of it for them, easing their burden and showing your support.

8. Give them a small, thoughtful gift.

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It doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant. A small gift that aligns with their interests or a simple token of affection can go a long way. Think a book by their favorite author, a gadget they’ve been eyeing, or even just a heartfelt trinket that reminds them of you.

9. Initiate physical affection.

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Sometimes, a simple touch can convey more than words ever could. Reach out and hold their hand, give them a hug, or offer a spontaneous kiss. As Psychology Today explains, these small gestures of physical affection can create a sense of closeness and intimacy, reminding them of your love and appreciation.

10. Listen attentively when they talk.

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In our busy lives, it’s easy to get distracted and tune out during conversations. Make a conscious effort to truly listen to your partner when they’re talking. Put away your phone, make eye contact, and engage with what they’re saying. This shows you value their thoughts and opinions.

11. Give them space when they need it.

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Everyone needs alone time now and then to recharge and de-stress. Respect your partner’s need for space and don’t take it personally if they want to spend some time alone. Encouraging them to pursue their own interests and hobbies shows you support their individuality.

12. Surprise them with a playlist or mixtape.

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Music has a powerful way of evoking emotions and memories. Create a playlist or mixtape filled with songs that remind you of them, songs you know they love, or songs that you think they might enjoy. It’s a personal and thoughtful way to show you care.

13. Offer to help with their personal projects.

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Whether it’s a work presentation, a creative endeavor, or a personal goal, offer to help your partner with their projects. Your support can be a valuable motivator and a tangible way to show you believe in their abilities and aspirations.

14. Express gratitude for the little things.

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Don’t take the everyday acts of love for granted. Say thank you when your partner makes you coffee, does the dishes, or simply listens to your day. Expressing gratitude for these small gestures reinforces their importance and shows your appreciation for their efforts.

15. Simply spend quality time together.

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Sometimes, the most meaningful way to show appreciation is by simply being present. Turn off distractions, put away your phones, and dedicate time to focus on each other. Whether it’s going for a walk, having a deep conversation, or cuddling on the couch, quality time together can strengthen your bond and remind you of the love you share.

Sinitta Weston grew up in Edinburgh but moved to Sydney, Australia to for college and never came back. She works as a chemical engineer during the day and at night, she writes articles about love and relationships. She's her friends' go-to for dating advice (though she struggles to take the same advice herself). Her INFJ personality makes her extra sensitive to others' feelings and this allows her to help people through tough times with ease. Hopefully, her articles can do that for you.