15 Annoying Things Horny Women Deal with on a Regular Basis

15 Annoying Things Horny Women Deal with on a Regular Basis ©iStock/BraunS

For some reason, many people believe that women aren’t horny by nature. Well, sorry to break it to you, but it’s just not true! In fact, sometimes it’s actually the complete opposite, and there’s a lot of crap we have to put up with because of it.

  1. Men underestimate us. Oh yeah? You’re last girlfriend was really horny, too? You think you can outlast me? Bring. It. On.
  2. Our sexual appetite scares guys off. Some men are intimidated by a woman with a strong sexual appetite. Their loss.
  3. We’re often misunderstood. No, you don’t get it. You get wet when you see an actual naked man. I get wet when I see a potato that resembles Ryan Reynolds.
  4. We get turned on at really inappropriate times. Amen to that, Father! So… can you guys, like… date?
  5. We have sexy daydreams… a lot. Mitosis is the process of… sex position? It goes something like that, right?
  6. Even casual touches make our heads spin. Especially after you’ve spent the last 90 minutes fantasizing about that hot guy you sit next to in your class. “Sure, you can borrow my pen… Ooooh…”
  7. Guys can’t keep up, sadly. When a guy ejaculates, it takes time for him to recover and get back into action. Women, however, can go on and on and on and on… Well, for as long as they want to!
  8. People assume we’re kinky. You may be, and that’s fine. But that’s for you to communicate to your partner beforehand – and not for him to random pull on us during sex. Just because you’ve got an active sex drive, doesn’t automatically make you a part of the kink community or any of its offsets.
  9. We go through so, so many batteries. Until we find re-chargables, that is.
  10. We get frustrated when there’s no one to sleep with. Seriously? How hard is it for a girl to get laid around here?
  11. People think we have no standards. Okay, I know I said I’d sleep with that Ryan Reynolds potato lookalike, but I was kidding, guys. That cucumber, however…
  12. We may or may not have a track record for breaking… Well, not hearts. Who knew that the woman on top was the most dangerous sex position?
  13. Name-calling just rolls off our backs. Whore? I’ve heard it all before. There’s the door – feel free to take your double standards with you.
  14. Hump Day has taken on a different meaning. It should be renamed hump year.
  15. We’ve never even heard of the 90-day rule. Apparently you’re supposed to wait 3 months before having sex with the man you’re dating. What kind of misogynist thought up that BS?
Sarah is a full-time content marketer, part-time freelancer. She’s a serial hobbyist (which just means that she does a lot of random things, but none of them particularly well). Her real talent lies in her ability to consume copious amounts of wine, whilst discussing feminism and reading A Song of Ice and Fire for the 8th time... All while saving puppies from burning houses, of course. You can see more of her work here, or pop over to Twitter and say “‘ello ‘ello” @daughterdipstik