14 Reasons A Narcissist Hates Seeing You Shine

14 Reasons A Narcissist Hates Seeing You Shine

Narcissistic people love the spotlight. Their ego feeds off attention, validation, and a sense of superiority. When you start to shine, it disrupts their carefully constructed world. Suddenly, they’re not the center of attention anymore. Your success, happiness, and self-assurance become a threat to their fragile self-esteem.

1. Your success is a painful reminder of their own failures.

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Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-importance, WebMD notes. They believe they’re better than everyone else and that they deserve special treatment. When they see you succeeding, it triggers feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. Your achievements highlight their own shortcomings and remind them that they’re not as special as they think they are. This can lead to resentment and a desire to bring you down.

2. They feel threatened by your independence and self-reliance.

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Narcissists want to control everyone around them. They need people to be dependent on them for validation and admiration. When you show signs of independence and self-reliance, it challenges their sense of control. They fear that you will no longer need them and will move on to bigger and better things. This can trigger feelings of abandonment and a desire to regain control over you.

3. Your happiness highlights their own unhappiness.

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Narcissists tend to be deeply unhappy people. They may have a lot of material possessions and superficial relationships, but they lack genuine fulfillment. When they see you happy and content, it reminds them of their own unhappiness. This can lead to envy and a desire to sabotage your happiness.

4. They envy your healthy relationships and genuine connections with people.

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Narcissists often find it hard to form healthy relationships. That’s because they’re more interested in using people for their own gain than in building genuine connections. When they see you surrounded by loving friends and family, it reminds them of their own isolation and loneliness. This can lead to jealousy and a desire to isolate you from your loved ones.

5. Your self-assurance challenges their fragile ego.

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Narcissists have a fragile ego that is easily bruised. They need constant validation and admiration to feel good about themselves. When you show signs of self-assurance and confidence, it challenges their ego. They see you as a threat to their superiority and may try to undermine your confidence by criticizing you or putting you down.

6. Your positive energy and optimism are a threat to their negativity.

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Narcissists are usually negative and pessimistic people. They see the world through a dark lens and focus on the negative aspects of life. When you radiate positive energy and optimism, it challenges their negative worldview. They may try to bring you down by infecting you with their negativity or by pointing out the flaws in your optimistic outlook.

7. They hate seeing you move on and thrive without them.

Woman apologizes to her friend after fight

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Narcissists often have a hard time letting go of people. They see people as possessions and believe that they have a right to control them. When you move on and thrive without them, it challenges their sense of ownership. They may try to hoover you back into their lives or sabotage your new relationships and endeavors.

8. They can’t stand it when you set boundaries and assert your needs.

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Narcissists are used to getting their way. Again, they believe that they’re entitled to special treatment and that everyone should cater to their needs. When you set boundaries and assert your needs, it challenges their sense of entitlement. They may react with anger, manipulation, or guilt-tripping in an attempt to get you to comply with their demands.

9. Your growth and self-improvement trigger their insecurities.

can dating a narcissist work

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More often than not, narcissists struggle with personal growth and self-improvement. They may be resistant to change and prefer to stay in their comfort zone. When they see you growing and evolving, it triggers their insecurities. They may feel threatened by your progress and worry that you will become better than them. This can lead to jealousy and a desire to hold you back.

10. Your authenticity and genuine self-expression expose their own fakeness.

Conflict, upset and couple fighting on a sofa for toxic, cheating or relationship breakup. Upset, problem and frustrated young man and woman in an argument together in the living room of their home.

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As Psych Central explains, narcissists tend to create a facade of perfection to hide their insecurities and flaws. They may present themselves as confident, successful, and happy, even if they’re not. When you express your authentic self and embrace your imperfections, it exposes their own fakeness. They may feel threatened by your vulnerability and try to discredit you or make you feel ashamed of your true self.

11. They resent your ability to forgive and move on.

i don't like you but i love you

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Narcissists often hold grudges and find it tough to forgive people. They may dwell on past hurts and use them as ammunition to manipulate and control. When you demonstrate the ability to forgive and move on, it challenges their victim mentality. They may feel threatened by your emotional maturity and try to re-ignite old conflicts or manipulate you into feeling guilty.

12. They despise your empathy and compassion for people.

couple arguing outside bench

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Narcissists usually lack empathy and compassion for anyone else. They may see people as objects to be used for their own gain and have little regard for their feelings or needs. When you show care and consideration, it highlights their own emotional shortcomings. They may try to invalidate your feelings or make you feel like you are being too sensitive.

13. Your ability to maintain healthy boundaries infuriates them.

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Respecting boundaries isn’t something narcissists know how to do (nor do they care to figure it out). They may try to push your limits and manipulate you into doing things you don’t want to do. When you maintain healthy boundaries and refuse to be controlled, it infuriates them. They may react with anger, threats, or emotional blackmail in an attempt to regain control over you.

14. They hate being reminded that they are not the center of the universe.

Couple have a conversation, while he's been ignored by his girlfriend

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Narcissists believe that they’re the most important people in the world. They expect everyone to cater to their needs and desires, and may become angry or resentful when they don’t get their way. When you shine, it reminds them that they are not the center of the universe. This can be a humbling experience for them and may trigger feelings of insecurity and inadequacy.

Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.