Unexpected Situations That Make Narcissists Show Their True Colors

Unexpected Situations That Make Narcissists Show Their True Colors

Narcissists are masters of disguise (or so they think). They charm their way into your life with confidence and charisma, but the façade eventually cracks. Certain situations put stress on their carefully crafted image, and the not-so-nice person beneath the mask emerges. Thankfully, being aware of these triggers can protect you. It helps you see through the manipulation and make choices based on who they REALLY are, not who they pretend to be. Be prepared to see a narcissist’s true colors in these situations.

1. When you say “no”

Young caucasian man standing in front mirror touching face and looking on himself.

Narcissists see other people as existing to meet their needs. A simple “no,” even if perfectly reasonable, challenges their sense of control. They might sulk, become aggressive, or guilt-trip you. A healthy person understands boundaries; a narcissist sees them as an insult.

2. When you outshine them, even unintentionally

Young hispanic girl looking at camera outdoor - Focus on face

Narcissists’ fragile egos can’t handle being upstaged. Your success – a promotion, praise for your work, even happy life updates – can trigger envy and bitterness. Instead of celebrating you, they’ll try to minimize your accomplishments, subtly sabotage you, or withdraw their approval.

3. When they don’t get their way

Narcissists have a deep sense of entitlement, Psychology Today notes. When life doesn’t conform to their desires (which happens to everyone!), expect a meltdown. Tantrums, manipulative sulking, or lashing out in anger are all tactics meant to bully the world into doing what they want, when they want, the way they want.

4. When you need emotional support

Narcissists lack genuine empathy. If you’re going through a tough time, their response will likely be dismissive, self-centered, or even resentful that you’re not catering to their own needs. A crisis becomes all about them, leaving you feeling isolated and unsupported.

5. When you disagree with them

Girl sat drinking coffee at table©iStock/martin-dm

They hold a deeply inflated view of their own opinions. Challenging them, even respectfully, wounds their ego. Instead of engaging in productive discussion, they may stonewall, personally attack you, or rewrite history to paint themselves as always being right.

6. When they’re criticized (even constructively)

Any perceived criticism, no matter how gently delivered or how valid, feels like an existential threat to a narcissist. Expect defensiveness, deflection, or rage. Because they lack self-awareness, they’re incapable of growth – so constructive feedback is futile or even dangerous.

7. When you set boundaries

Boundaries are kryptonite to a narcissist because they limit control. Whether it’s saying no to a request, asking for space, or outlining unacceptable behavior, healthy boundaries are met with resistance. They’ll use guilt, tantrums, or play the victim to make you back down.

8. When they’re bored

Narcissists need constant external validation. When the novelty wears off in a relationship or they’re not the center of attention, they get restless. This boredom can manifest as devaluing you, picking fights to create drama, or even seeking out new sources of narcissistic supply (affairs, etc.).

9. When they feel sick or vulnerable

Narcissists project an image of strength and invulnerability. Being ill, injured, or simply needing care exposes their deep-seated fear of weakness. They may lash out at caregivers, demand excessive attention, or refuse to acknowledge their limitations, making a difficult situation even worse.

10. When you’re surrounded by loved ones

As PsychCentral explains, narcissists thrive on isolating their victims. Seeing you with supportive friends and family threatens their control. They may become sulky, try to monopolize your attention, or even act aggressively towards your loved ones in an attempt to drive them away.

11. During major life transitions

Change, even positive change, can be destabilizing. A move, new job, marriage, or having a baby disrupts the status quo a narcissist relies on. Expect them to resist change, create additional drama, or become passive-aggressive as they struggle to maintain their grip on the situation.

12. When their lies are exposed

Narcissists weave elaborate webs of deceit. When a lie is undeniably exposed, it’s never their fault. Expect gaslighting (making you doubt your own reality), blaming you, or playing the victim. True accountability is almost impossible, as that would shatter their self-image.

13. When you become independent

Handsome young man standing and posing in the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Narcissists rely on others to fulfill their need for admiration and control. If you become more financially independent, emotionally self-sufficient, or make strides in personal growth, it threatens their power. They might undermine your efforts, become critical, or withdraw affection in an attempt to keep you dependent on them.

14. When they lose control of a situation

guy sitting on couch in apartment

Narcissists need to feel in charge. Unpredictable events, losing a job, or any situation they can’t manipulate triggers deep insecurity. To regain a sense of power, they may become verbally abusive, escalate conflicts, or find someone to blame for their misfortune.

15. When you confront them directly

Calling out a narcissist’s toxic behavior rarely leads to an apology or change. If you directly confront them about their lies, manipulations, or gaslighting, be prepared for denial, deflection, or rage. They will fiercely defend their distorted worldview rather than admit any wrongdoing.

16. When you try to break up with them

Ending a relationship with a narcissist is never easy. They despise rejection, as it confirms they’re not as perfect as they believe. They might suddenly “love bomb” you to win you back, spread vicious rumors, or engage in emotional blackmail to punish you for leaving.

17. When you thrive without them

young man hoodie mustache

A narcissist’s worst nightmare is you moving on and living a happy, fulfilling life independently of them. Even if they discarded you, seeing you thrive wounds their ego. They may try to hoover you back in, sabotage your new relationships, or act out to try and regain a sense of control over your life.

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.