The 16 Surprising Habits Of Highly Likeable People

The 16 Surprising Habits Of Highly Likeable People

Ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly charm everyone they meet? It’s not just about good looks or witty banter. Highly likeable people often have surprising habits that make them magnetic. These habits might not be what you expect, but they play a huge role in their ability to connect with others on a deeper level. Here are some of these unexpected traits.

1. They embrace vulnerability.

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We often think we need to appear perfect to be liked. But the opposite is true. Highly likeable people aren’t afraid to show their flaws and insecurities. By opening up, they create a space for others to do the same, fostering deeper connections based on authenticity and trust.

2. They actively listen.

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It’s easy to get caught up in our own thoughts and opinions. Likeable people, however, are masters of active listening. They give their full attention to the speaker, asking thoughtful questions and showing genuine interest in what’s being said. As Forbes points out, this makes others feel valued and understood.

3. They offer sincere compliments.

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While flattery can feel insincere, genuine compliments can brighten someone’s day. Likeable people are quick to notice and acknowledge the positive qualities in others. Their compliments are specific and heartfelt, showing that they truly appreciate the person they’re talking to.

4. They aren’t afraid to apologize.

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Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone owns up to them. Likeable people are willing to apologize when they’re wrong. They understand that apologizing isn’t a sign of weakness but rather a sign of maturity and respect for others.

5. They use humor to connect.

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Laughter is a powerful tool for building rapport. Likeable people have a knack for using humor to break the ice and create a comfortable atmosphere. Their jokes are lighthearted and inclusive, never at the expense of others.

6. They give without expecting anything in return.

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Whether it’s helping a friend move or offering a listening ear, likeable people are generous with their time and energy. They don’t keep score or expect reciprocity, which makes their kindness feel even more genuine.

7. They celebrate other people’s successes.

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Instead of feeling threatened by anyone else’s achievements, likeable people are genuinely happy for them. They celebrate others’ successes as if they were their own, creating a supportive and encouraging environment.

8. They’re comfortable with silence.

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We often feel the need to fill every silence with chatter. Likeable people, however, are comfortable with moments of quiet. They understand that silence can be just as meaningful as words, allowing for deeper reflection and connection.

9. They remember the small details.

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It’s the little things that often make the biggest impact. Likeable people pay attention to the details that matter to others, like their birthdays, their favorite coffee order, or their recent accomplishments. This shows that they care enough to remember what’s important in the lives of those around them.

10. They’re not afraid to be silly.

two men laughing and chatting on city street

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While professionalism is important, likeable people understand that it’s okay to let loose and have fun. They’re not afraid to be goofy or playful, which makes them more approachable and relatable.

11. They ask for help when they need it.

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We often try to portray ourselves as self-sufficient, but highly likeable people recognize that everyone needs a helping hand sometimes. They’re not afraid to ask for help when they need it, which shows humility and encourages a sense of shared responsibility.

12. They embrace diversity and different perspectives.

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Likeable people are curious about the world and the people in it. They look for diverse opinions and perspectives, recognizing that everyone has something valuable to offer. As Verywell Mind notes, this open-mindedness creates a more inclusive and enriching environment.

13. They express gratitude.

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Whether it’s a simple “thank you” or a heartfelt note, likeable people are quick to express their gratitude. They recognize the value in both big and small gestures, and they make sure those around them feel appreciated for their contributions.

14. They don’t gossip or engage in negativity.

two guys laughing and chatting

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Likeable people understand that negativity can be contagious. They choose to focus on the positive aspects of life and steer clear of gossip or complaining. This creates a more uplifting and enjoyable atmosphere for everyone.

15. They’re genuinely interested in learning about other people.

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Instead of dominating conversations, likeable people take a genuine interest in other people’s lives. They ask thoughtful questions and actively listen to the answers, showing that they value the thoughts and experiences of those around them.

16. They’re comfortable in their own skin.

young man and woman chatting on park bench

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Perhaps the most surprising habit of likeable people is their self-acceptance. They don’t try to be someone they’re not. They embrace their quirks and imperfections, radiating a sense of confidence and authenticity that draws others in.

Sinitta Weston grew up in Edinburgh but moved to Sydney, Australia to for college and never came back. She works as a chemical engineer during the day and at night, she writes articles about love and relationships. She's her friends' go-to for dating advice (though she struggles to take the same advice herself). Her INFJ personality makes her extra sensitive to others' feelings and this allows her to help people through tough times with ease. Hopefully, her articles can do that for you.