Signs Your Brain Needs A Break (And How to Give It One)

Signs Your Brain Needs A Break (And How to Give It One)

Sometimes life just isn’t easy. When this is the case, our brains often work overtime. So it makes sense that in times of stress, your brain might not function at the level you’d like it to. Here are 15 signs your brain needs a break, and techniques for giving it one.

1. Difficulty focusing


It can be incredibly frustrating when you seem to have lost all ability to focus on what you’re doing. You might find yourself daydreaming about the future or getting distracted by social media when trying to complete tasks. This is a good time to go back to basics and remember the skills you have to complete those tasks. There’s no shame in doing things one small step at a time in order to remain focused.

2. Feeling overwhelmed with decisions

One of the biggest clues you need a break is when decisions start feeling impossible to make. In today’s world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everything we have to do just to survive. So, when you’re feeling this way it’s time to stop and regroup. Try making a list of decisions that need to be made and include the pros and cons of each decision. The goal here is not to make decisions quickly but to make them to the best of your ability with the information you have.

3. Heightened sensitivity

There can be unexpected benefits to embracing your sensitive side, but in the case of a tired brain, too much sensitivity can become a big problem. Being too sensitive can look like getting a headache from buzzing lights at the office, or wanting to scream at someone for chewing too loudly. Try slowing down and focusing on something that makes you happy, like painting, playing with the dog, or watching your favorite TV show for the umpteenth time.

4. No motivation

When you’ve lost the will to do basic things (why does showering feel so difficult?), it’s time to eliminate some tasks from your to-do list. Of course, prioritize what’s essential but beyond that, it’s time to turn to some serious self-care. Stop freaking out and do something for you, like a marathon gab sesh with your bestie, or a walk around the block to help get your creative juices flowing again.

5. Loss of interest

One of the worst symptoms of brain fatigue is loss of interest. Suddenly the things that used to give you joy are meaningless and unappealing. Trying to reconnect with old hobbies while also permitting yourself to try new ones is crucial. Doodling, reading, and taking walks or hikes are some great activities to renew your interest where it’s been lost.

6. Zoning out

Huh? What did you say? It can be easy to zone out when your brain is tired. You might find yourself suddenly disconnected from reality and feel like you’re watching from a distance or floating outside your body. This is where grounding techniques become crucial.  Try a simple one like the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 method to reconnect with reality.

7. Struggling to find the right words

You’re frustrated because you have a lot to say, but you can’t quite seem to say it the way you want. It can be infuriating when you struggle to find the right words, and unfortunately, it can be common when experiencing burnout. In order to avoid saying the wrong thing, take a few deep breaths and remind yourself it’s okay to take a few moments to think before you speak.

8. Brain Fog

Brain fog can leave you feeling cloudy-headed and forgetful, and it’s incredibly frustrating. If you find yourself with these symptoms, don’t worry, because there are solutions! Reminding yourself to take breaks from screens, having a healthy diet, and positive thinking can all help quiet down that foggy feeling.

9. Feeling disconnected

It’s common to want to disconnect when our brain is tired. But if you find yourself constantly feeling disconnected or detached from your surroundings, it’s time to practice meditation. Sure, meditation may not be for everyone, but it can be a very useful tool when your brain needs a break. Try a guided meditation app to get you started.

10. Irritability and mood swings

Someone interrupts you while you’re working and you just flip out! That’s a clear sign your brain is tired and it’s time to slow down to practice gratitude. When feeling impatient, it’s easy to lose sight of the things that are going well. That’s why it’s important to recognize what you’re grateful for so you can give your noggin a much-needed rest.

11. Avoidant behavior

When we’re overwhelmed and tired, we tend to avoid things we should be doing. Avoidance of stressors can work in some cases, but you can’t skip the important stuff. Making a list of tasks that need taking care of can help you visualize your problems in a different way, and let them go until it’s a better time to deal with them.

12. Racing thoughts

We’ve all had spiraling thoughts that just won’t seem to stop, like when you’re trying to fall asleep and all your anxieties keep popping into your head. As soon as you notice your thoughts are racing, there are some techniques you can try to stop them in their tracks. Practicing deep slow breathing, and counting your breaths can be a great way to redirect those racing thoughts and give your brain a much-needed rest.

13. Headaches and migraines

If you’ve ever had a bad headache or migraine, you know there’s a fat chance you’ll get any work done under these conditions—your brain is screaming out for rest. Some helpful ways to prevent and treat headaches include over-the-counter medications, avoiding too much caffeine, eating nutritious foods, and limiting stress. A warm bath or a small nap can help get your brain back on track, too.

14. Making frequent mistakes

Stress, depression or burnout teacher on school floor with

Why does it seem like you keep messing up no matter how hard you try? Your brain is tired, and when that’s the case, making minor mistakes frequently becomes all too easy. One way to help this is by limiting multi-tasking. When you focus on one thing at a time, it’s much easier to get it right.

15. Trouble sleeping


When we’re stressed, sleep is the number one thing we need, and it can also be the hardest thing to get. Try getting better rest by limiting screen time, alcohol, and caffeine at least an hour before bed. Practice good sleep hygiene by establishing a nighttime routine and forming healthy habits that promote sleep, like journaling or taking a warm shower. Everything is easier when we get enough sleep!

16. Fed up with feeling alone? Attract love by changing your mindset.

Attractive young couple in love sitting at the cafe table outdoors, drinking coffee

With our sister site Sweetn‘s simple quiz and mind tools, love is closer than you think. They’ll give you the tools and skills you need to transform the way you date and shift your energy to help you find lasting love. It only takes a few minutes to get started, so check it out here.
