17 Unexpected Reasons Women Like Men With Dad Bods

17 Unexpected Reasons Women Like Men With Dad Bods

“Dad bod” has become a surprisingly positive term. Obviously, no one’s praising obesity, but a relaxed softness compared to hyper-sculpted physiques is preferable these days. Turns out, women find this relatable and attractive for reasons that go beyond pure aesthetics. It signals a man who prioritizes enjoying life, not agonizing over every calorie, and who projects a laid-back approachability that’s disarmingly charming. Here’s why dad bods are having such a moment.

1. They’re huggable.

Rock-hard muscle isn’t ideal for cuddling. A bit of padding? Perfection! Think of it as a built-in, always-available cozy pillow. Women crave affection and physical touch; a man with a dad bod promises comfort and snuggles without the bony elbows.

2. They’re more down to earth.

A gym obsession hints at a degree of vanity and high-maintenance lifestyle that can feel intimidating. A dad bod suggests a guy who’d rather share a pizza than kale smoothie. This signals he’s relatable, fun-loving, and grounded – qualities way sexier than a six-pack for a long-term partner.

3. Confidence is key (and dad bod men often have it).

Constantly obsessing over your physique signals insecurity. A guy with a dad bod knows he’s not a swimsuit model and doesn’t care! This laid-back confidence in his own skin is incredibly appealing. Women are drawn to men who project self-assuredness, regardless of whether they adhere to conventional beauty standards.

4. They’ve got better things to do.

Chiseled abs require hours at the gym and a restrictive diet. A dad bod implies he has hobbies, interests, and a fulfilling life beyond the mirror. That balanced lifestyle is appealing – it suggests he’ll actually be present and interesting on dates, not just obsessing over his next protein shake.

5. They exude approachability.

Gym-obsessed guys, with their rigid routines and intimidating physiques, can feel unapproachable, especially to women who don’t share that lifestyle. A dad bod guy has a laid-back, welcoming vibe. It’s easy to imagine striking up a conversation and feeling at ease – that’s the start of real connection.

6. Dad bods often signify immaturity.

Prioritizing life experiences, career, and relationships over an idealized physique often comes with age and, ideally, wisdom. A hint of softness suggests emotional maturity, that he understands life is a marathon, not a sprint defined by how ripped he looks shirtless.

7. They seem more focused on pleasure than pain.

beautiful young african girl hugging her boyfriend

Extreme fitness often comes with sacrifices – skipping dessert, rigid routines. A dad bod implies he enjoys life’s simple pleasures. Women like being with someone who knows how to chill out and savor the good stuff, whether it’s good food or quality time together.

8. They’re refreshingly real.

In a world filled with airbrushed images, a dad bod is a breath of fresh air. It’s a reminder that real bodies have imperfections, and honestly, that’s perfectly hot! Women appreciate men comfortable in their own skin, flaws and all, as it allows them to feel less self-conscious too.

9. They’re a reminder that fitness =/= a specific look.

Having a dad bod doesn’t mean a guy is lazy. Maybe he hikes, plays with his kids, or does sports with buddies. A softer body can still be strong and healthy, Scientific American confirms. Women are drawn to vitality, which comes in many forms, not just the sculpted ideal pushed by magazines.

10. Dad bods project stability.

Evolutionarily, women are hardwired to seek providers, even subconsciously. A bit of softness suggests a man who has resources, isn’t struggling to feed himself. While modern women are financially independent, that primal instinct still subtly exists, making dad bods feel subconsciously “safe.”

11. They’re ideal for pillow fights.

Let’s be real – playful affection matters! A little extra cushioning makes those impromptu tickle fights and living room wrestling matches way more comfortable (and hilarious). It adds an element of light-hearted, goofy fun to a relationship, an attractive quality women crave.

12. They trigger the nurturing instinct.


There’s something endearingly vulnerable about a soft belly. It brings out a woman’s protective, affectionate side. Wanting to care for someone is a major component of female attraction. Dad bods tap into that instinct in a non-threatening, positive way.

13. Muscles fade, but dad bods stay consistent.

Women seeking long-term partners consider the future. Six-pack abs are notoriously hard to maintain past middle age. Dad bods are more consistent! This signals a less turbulent journey for women who prefer reliability in the looks department (that’s completely valid!).

14. Dad bods are a sign a guy is probably fun at a party.

The dad bod guy is likely first in line for seconds of burgers, always game for impromptu backyard fun, and down to tell silly jokes that make the kids giggle. This signals a zest for life, spontaneity, and warmth women find irresistibly charming.

15. They’re less likely to judge women’s imperfections.

Women battle body image issues far more intensely than most men realize. A dad bod guy, comfortable in his own less-than-perfect skin, helps her feel more at ease around him. She knows he won’t judge her for indulging in dessert or skipping a workout, fostering a sense of acceptance that’s deeply sexy.

16. Dad bods are more “useful.”

Need a human blanket on a chilly night? Extra padding to rest your head on the couch? Someone to make you feel petite and protected? Dad bod to the rescue! It’s about comfort on multiple levels – physical and emotional.

17. They’re a sign of success (from an evolutionary standpoint).

couple staring each other in the eyes

Historically, some extra weight signified resources and good health – advantages when it came to surviving in harsher times. While we now live in relative abundance, those ancient instincts linger subtly beneath the surface. A dad bod hints at underlying success, making him appealing on a primal level.

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Sinitta Weston grew up in Edinburgh but moved to Sydney, Australia to for college and never came back. She works as a chemical engineer during the day and at night, she writes articles about love and relationships. She's her friends' go-to for dating advice (though she struggles to take the same advice herself). Her INFJ personality makes her extra sensitive to others' feelings and this allows her to help people through tough times with ease. Hopefully, her articles can do that for you.