16 Signs You Should Be Suspicious Of Your Partner’s Behaviour

16 Signs You Should Be Suspicious Of Your Partner’s Behaviour

Relationships are built on trust and understanding, but sometimes, something just feels off. It could be a nagging feeling, an unexplainable change, or a series of small incidents that add up to something bigger. If you find yourself questioning your partner’s behavior, it’s important to listen to your intuition.

1. Their stories don’t quite add up.

one-sided relationship signs

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Maybe they’re vague about where they’ve been or who they were with. Perhaps their explanations for certain events seem inconsistent or illogical. While everyone forgets details sometimes, frequent discrepancies in their accounts could be a cause for concern.

2. They’re overly secretive about their phone or computer.

couple talking separately on porch

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Do they jump to hide their screen when you enter the room? Have they changed their passwords recently without explanation? While everyone deserves privacy, excessive secrecy surrounding their digital life might be a sign they’re hiding something.

3. You catch them in small lies.

Unhappy couple having crisis and difficulties in relationship

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It could be anything from denying they ate the last cookie to fibbing about their plans for the evening. While small lies might seem harmless, they can erode trust and make you question their honesty in more significant matters.

4. Your gut feeling tells you something’s wrong.

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As The Economic Times reports, intuition is a powerful tool. If you have a nagging feeling that something isn’t right, don’t dismiss it. Our subconscious often picks up on subtle cues that our conscious mind might miss. Pay attention to your gut and explore why you’re feeling uneasy.

5. They’re suddenly more critical or distant.

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Has your partner become more nitpicky or withdrawn? Are they less affectionate or interested in spending time with you? A sudden change in their behavior without explanation could be a sign that something is troubling them, or that their feelings for you have changed.

6. Their friends seem uncomfortable around you.

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Do their friends act strangely when you’re around? Do they seem hesitant to include you in conversations or activities? While it could be a personality clash, their discomfort could also stem from knowing something you don’t.

7. They’re overly defensive when questioned.

Unhappy couple having argument at home. Family, problem, quarell people concept.

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If you try to express your concerns or ask simple questions, do they react with anger or defensiveness? Honest communication is key to a healthy relationship, and an unwillingness to have open conversations could be a red flag.

8. You notice inconsistencies in their spending habits.

Unhappy couple having crisis and difficulties in relationship

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Are they suddenly spending more money than usual without explanation? Are there unexplained purchases on their credit card statements? While financial matters can be sensitive, significant changes in their spending patterns could be a sign of deception.

9. They avoid introducing you to their friends or family.

toxic young couple in argument

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A healthy relationship involves integrating your partner into your social circle. If they’ve been dating you for a while but are reluctant to introduce you to their loved ones, it could be a sign that they’re not serious about the relationship or that they’re hiding something.

10. They have a history of infidelity.

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While people can change, past behavior can be an indicator of future actions. If your partner has a history of cheating or being dishonest in past relationships, it’s natural to be more cautious and observant of their current behavior.

11. They’re overly charming or flirtatious with other people.

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A little harmless flirting might not be a big deal, but if your partner consistently crosses the line and makes you uncomfortable, it’s important to address it. Excessive flirting can be a sign of disrespect and a lack of commitment to the relationship.

12. They dismiss your concerns or feelings.

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If you express your worries or anxieties, do they brush them off or make you feel foolish for feeling the way you do? A supportive partner will listen to your concerns with empathy and try to understand your perspective, even if they don’t agree.

13. You find evidence of cheating or deception.

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This could be anything from finding hidden messages on their phone to discovering receipts for items you didn’t know they bought. While it’s important to avoid jumping to conclusions, concrete evidence of cheating should not be ignored.

14. They become angry or defensive when you try to discuss your concerns.

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Healthy communication is crucial in any relationship, Forbes points out. If your partner shuts down or lashes out when you try to talk about your worries, it can create a toxic dynamic and prevent you from resolving issues together.

15. They have a pattern of blaming other people for their problems.

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Do they always have an excuse for their mistakes or shortcomings? Do they refuse to take responsibility for their actions? This lack of accountability can be a sign of immaturity and an unwillingness to grow or change.

16. You feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells around them.

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If you’re always worried about saying or doing the wrong thing to avoid upsetting your partner, it’s a sign that something isn’t right. A healthy relationship should feel safe and supportive, not like a minefield you have to navigate carefully.

Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.