16 Reasons Why You’re 100% Wrong When You Think “I’m Not Good Enough”

16 Reasons Why You’re 100% Wrong When You Think “I’m Not Good Enough”

Ever felt like you’re just not measuring up? You’re not alone. But what if I told you that feeling is totally off base? Get ready to flip the script on your inner critic and embrace your true worth with the 16 reasons why you’re actually awesome.

1. Everyone makes mistakes, you’re not alone in that.

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Some things in life are inevitable and making mistakes is one of them. We’re all on this earth for the first time, just trying to figure everything out. Knowledge and experience will come with time, and each point of failure is an opportunity to learn— remember that.

2. We all feel like failures sometimes.

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As soon as we stop letting failure define us, we can live a more free and open life. Life isn’t a series of trade-offs, you get many chances to learn and improve. You have worth whether or not you think your career is successful. It doesn’t make it an easier feeling to stomach but try talking to your friends about their experiences to help reduce the intensity of the feeling.

3. Dreaming big is a sign of courage, it’s not embarrassing.

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It takes courage to announce to the world that you have a grand ambition to do something great. You’re making yourself vulnerable and people admire that. Even if you fall short, you’ve still put yourself out there. So many people wouldn’t even do that—and that’s where you’re amazing.

4. You were chosen to be here, now.

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However you view the world and in whatever faith system, you should feel every inch of how cool your uniqueness is, right here, right now. You could have come back as a beetle or a seagull—how about that for a sign that things could be worse!

5. We are not our bad days.

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Perspective is what we most need on bad days. When the chips are down, all your brain will focus on are the negative details of your life. You have to remind yourself that you are a more complex and well-rounded human being than your mind will allow you to see.

6. Most things can be forgiven.

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Just as you have the capacity to forgive other people, other people can forgive you. Because of how much positivity you give out in the world—and you may not even see it yourself —you attract the right sort of compassionate people in turn. It means that, even if you think you’ve screwed up, other people have got your back.

7. Adapting to change is tough for everyone.

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Don’t get in a spiral of thinking that you’re the only one struggling with every global crisis and economic change. The cost of living is hitting everyone and no one is handling it perfectly. Know that you are good enough no matter what your income is this month. Things will all smooth out, you have to trust that.

8. Trying your best is all you can do.

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This phrase wouldn’t be out of place in a guidance counselor’s office and I get that it’s cringy. But it ain’t wrong. Sometimes, it takes years of experience and heartbreak to realize that the only thing you can control is you, and you doing your best. Everything else will fall into place.

9. Trying to control everything will exhaust you.

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Let go of all the small details—it’ll set you free. When you’re struggling with big-picture stuff, try to trust the process. We all think we can influence things in every decision we make, but that’s not the case. We are all subject to the world around us and it doesn’t make you less than if you get swept up in it now and again. Acknowledge your feelings and know that you are enough.

10. You deserve respect.

Happy, smile and portrait of business man in city for professional, corporate and pride. Happiness, confident and career with face of male employee in New York for mindset, opportunity and positive

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There are no qualifications or contingencies to that sentence. You are enough and you are respected just as you are. *Drops mic*

11. You are capable, compassionate, and loving.

smiling woman tucking hair behind ear

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Sometimes, we must see how much good we put out in the world to enable us to see that that is precisely what makes us good. It’s not about job success or how much you’re paid—that’s what you do, not who you are. Make sure you’re separating the two so you can see just how amazing you are.

12. There’s no timeline on life.

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Everyone matures and gets their big break at different points. Life is all about luck. You can’t control that, so ease up if you’re feeling like you’re getting left behind. Your time will come and even if it takes you longer than you’d like, failure is good for you.

13. Comparison is the thief of satisfaction.

Two happy friends texting after shopping.

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People who insist on comparing themselves to others will never be able to find contentment. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hard and drilled into us at a young age that the all-or-nothing hustle culture is the only way to succeed. Stop viewing your worth within a hierarchy and know that the people who look like they have their life together are just as close to a crisis as the rest of us.

14. You are unique.

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No one is like you, so no one can be better at being you than you. Puts things into perspective, doesn’t it?

15. You bring out the best in other people.

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If you can’t see your inherent value then consider how you bring out the best in your friends. They are kind and adventurous and feel safe when you hang out, and you played a part in that. Don’t underestimate how much other people value you for the little things, too. Give yourself a little credit!

16. Want A Partner? Attract Love With The Power Of Your Mind.

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Our sister site, Sweetn, is a new research-based startup that shows you how to call love into your life with the power of your mind. Take their quiz, and try their tools—they can transform your energy and your love life in a few weeks. Just click here.

Hannah has a Masters degree in Romantic and Victorian literature in Scotland and spends her spare time writing anything from essays to short fiction about the life and times of the frogs in her local pond! She loves musical theatre, football, anything with potatoes, and remains a firm believer that most of the problems in this world can be solved by dancing around the kitchen to ABBA. You can find her on Instagram at @_hannahvic.