15 Signs Your Job Is Slowly Draining The Life Out Of You

15 Signs Your Job Is Slowly Draining The Life Out Of You Shutterstock

Everyone wants a job that feels smooth, exciting, and satisfying. If you wake up on a Monday morning ready to go, that’s a good sign that you like your career. Unfortunately, as we all know, rude bosses and overwhelming schedules can make even a dream position a nightmare. If your job feels draining, you’re likely struggling with these 15 things.

1. You dread Monday the entire weekend.

While a certain amount of anxiety on a Sunday evening is pretty normal (no matter how much we try for a calming routine of meditation and reading before bed), it’s a bad sign when you’re worried about Monday morning from 5 p.m. on Friday. Although it’s tricky to have a work/life balance all the time, you definitely deserve to enjoy your Saturdays and Sundays.

2. You worry about everything you say or do at work.

When work is stressful, it can feel like it’s taking over your entire life. That means worrying about little things you shouldn’t, from that Friday morning casual check-in meeting to a random comment you made to a co-worker. While you can cope with anxiety with some tips, you don’t want to feel upset on a daily basis.

3. You’re nervous to open your e-mail.

Whether you’re an inbox-zero type of person or you’re not quite that organized, the thought of your e-mail shouldn’t make you shudder. You might be overwhelmed by the projects you’re juggling or dread that one co-worker who you’re working closely with. Either way, e-mail should feel like a regular part of your job, not the absolute worst part.

4. You don’t take time off because that would be more stressful.

Everyone has a hard time shutting their brain off at times… but when you’re truly burnt out, this happens all the time. Since you have so much on your plate, you don’t take PTO and the thought of planning a vacation would only mean working overtime before and after. You need time away to feel recharged, so this is definitely a problem.

5. You’re too tired to make a career or job change.

When work makes you feel miserable and exhausted, the best thing you can do is look for another one. But here’s the thing: When you’re mentally and physically drained by your current job, even the thought of job searching makes you want to crawl back into bed. You might even wish you could switch industries entirely, but that makes you yawn, too.

6. You believe you’ve invested too much time at your job to leave.

The “sunk cost fallacy” is when you feel you’ve put so much time into something that there’s no point in making a change. You think about the years you’ve worked at your company and all the late nights, early mornings, and meaningful projects. It’s tough to give that up, even if your situation has gotten worse over time.

7. Your boss criticizes you daily.


Whether you’re working for a narcissist or not, your job likely feels draining when your manager always acts as if you’re doing something wrong. When you take pride in your work and know that you’re giving it your all, this of course feels terrible. It’s hard to walk into the office with a smile when you know that more criticism is coming.

8. You think about work during social plans.

Out for cocktails and tacos with your friend who’s sharing a compelling travel story? Grabbing a coffee with your sister who’s in town for the first time in months? You can’t focus on what the people you love are telling you because your mind always turns to work. That’s a huge sign your job isn’t healthy.

9. You fight with your partner all the time.

Of course, some fighting is inevitable in a long-term relationship (like who loads the dishwasher better). When your job is consuming your life, though, you likely start petty arguments frequently thanks to your work stress. While your partner understands what you’re going through, this won’t be easy for them.

10. You vent about your job to anyone who will listen.

Sometimes you can’t help but complain about work, especially if you’re chatting with a friend or family member who works in a similar industry. When you find yourself venting every day, whether talking to your partner or an acquaintance, that’s a sign that your professional situation needs to change.

10. Your health is affected.

Stress shows up in a few different ways, and being burnt out can mean constant stomachaches or headaches along with some more random problems. Maybe you sprain your ankle because you’re thinking about that meeting you have tomorrow while on a walk through your neighborhood or you get hives. However it manifests, if you’re seeing physical stress symptoms it’s a red flag.

11. You’re distracted.

young woman feeling depressed at home

Having a tough time paying attention to that new Netflix series you’ve been waiting for? Does your mind wander during your Monday night yoga class that you usually look forward to? If your job is making you miserable, you’re going to feel distracted at every moment, which is a shame.

12. You second guess every project you turn in or idea you pitch.

It’s hard to feel certain about your work skills when you’re unhappy at your job. While you once pitched ideas with excitement and confidence and knew that you were turning in your best work, you now wonder if you’re even good at your job now. This can be a tough cycle to break.

13. You can’t help but make embarrassing mistakes.

Entrepreneur working on laptop with headache, anxiety and stress while thinking, idea and burnout in a cafe. Mental health and frustrated employee with audit, tax and work mistake in a coffee shop

Everyone makes typos in e-mails or messes up sometimes. However, these days you find yourself forgetting to include the necessary parts of reports, or making spelling errors in every document you submit to your manager. You’re so tired and unhappy that you’re not doing your best work. This is a vicious cycle that makes you feel even more negative about your position.

14. You don’t put in extra effort or volunteer for anything.

When work is going seamlessly, you have the mental energy to work a little harder and offer to pick up an extra shift or take on a special project. That all goes out the window when you’re too drained to do more than the basic duties of your job. When you reach this point, you can hopefully find a way to get inspired again… or find a much less stressful job.

15. You’re quiet and withdrawn even when around loved ones.

When you aren’t complaining, you’re quieter than usual and are turned inward. You’re thinking so much about your job that you aren’t engaged in conversations—you don’t feel like talking about a TV show you’re watching or the last book you read because you’re so upset about your work. This is a surefire sign that things should change.

16. Looking for love? Think it into existence.


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Aya Tsintziras is a freelance lifestyle writer and editor from Toronto, Canada. In addition to writing about dating and relationships for Bolde, she also writes about movies, TV, and video games for ScreenRant and GameRant. She has a Political Science degree from the University of Toronto and a Masters of Journalism from Ryerson University. You can find her on Twitter @ayatsintziras and on Instagram @aya.tsintziras.