15 Secret Habits of People Who Never Seem to Get Overwhelmed

15 Secret Habits of People Who Never Seem to Get Overwhelmed

If you know someone who leads a busy, stressful life but never seems to get overwhelmed, you might wonder how they do it. Well, it doesn’t happen naturally! They know what to do to keep their heads cool and their stress at bay. Here are 15 secret habits they’re doing on the daily, so you can borrow them when required.

1. They have a strong support system.

Having happy and supportive friends around them when they need to vent or get advice is crucial to the success of someone who never seems frazzled by life’s curveballs. Hey, we can’t do everything alone all the time! We need to have a support system handy to offer help when we need it.

2. They meditate daily.

One of the most important daily habits to adopt is meditation. This doesn’t have to be an hour-long meditation, though—just 10 minutes a day helps one clear their mind and reduce stress levels.

3. They do breathing exercises.

guy with his hand on his heart

Linked to meditation, doing daily breathing exercises is essential to support the body’s parasympathetic nervous system. This system is what lowers the body’s alertness and anxiety response, helping to foster a sense of calm and well-being. It’s also grounding to help you live in the moment.

4. They help others.

couple embracing outside

Good deeds are a great way to make someone else’s day better, but giving also offers benefits to the giver. Research has found that when you spread good vibes by being kind to others, you experience lower stress levels and improved mental health. People who don’t get overwhelmed by stress might engage in kindness, this not only distracts them from their problems but also makes them feel good. Win-win.

5. They get enough sleep.

You can’t get anything done if you’re feeling foggy and anxious, which are common side effects of sleep deprivation. By committing to a daily sleep regimen, people who take life in stride keep their bodies well-rested so they can handle challenges more effectively.

6. They exercise regularly.

Although rest and sleep are important, it’s also a must to get out there and exercise. It lowers the body’s production of cortisol and adrenaline, while also boosting endorphins to regulate your mood.

7. They count their blessings.

Being grateful for the little and big things that happen resets the brain. People who don’t let stress overwhelm them count their blessings regularly so they stay positive. When bad things happen, seeking blessings in the moment helps keep them in the right frame of mind.

8. They eat right.

man eating salad with headphones outdoors

Eating healthy food is crucial to keeping stress at bay. Adding nutritious foods to your diet, such as antioxidant-rich fresh produce and proteins that regulate your mood makes a big difference in how you feel. It also helps you stay calm in the presence of stress.

9. They avoid drama.

If someone’s life is already stressful, the last thing they need is to surround themselves with people who love drama. It’s challenging to focus on tasks and stay calm when their needy loved ones or friends are blowing up their phones with texts and calls. People who never get overwhelmed set healthy boundaries with those who stress or exhaust them so they can maintain their chill.

10. They’re excellent planners.

Not having a solid plan in place can cause stress and anxiety, which is why these people know they have to stay organized and have a plan for what they want to achieve every day. It keeps them on track and helps them meet deadlines with ease, like breaking larger tasks into smaller ones.

11. They have strong boundaries.

It’s easy to take on other people’s problems and get distracted from your purpose, which is why boundaries are essential. Saying “no” to people’s requests when it’s not convenient is what prevents people from giving away too many of their resources.

12. They ask for help.

Knowing when to reach out and ask for help is a skill, not a sign of weakness. It’s unrealistic to try to be perfect and do everything yourself—they know this which prevents them from taking on too much and letting their stress get out of control.

13. They don’t overextend themselves.

Linked to having boundaries in place is choosing not to overextend themselves. People who don’t get overwhelmed by life don’t take on too much. They don’t accept a ton of social invites if they’re tired. Similarly, they won’t take on too many additional projects at work if they feel overwhelmed.

14. They have a healthy work-life balance.

Having a healthy work-life balance lowers stress while ensuring that they’re not working so hard that they’re missing out on the fun experiences to savor in life. Having downtime is crucial to recharge your batteries and prevent overthinking about work, which can turn you into a human stress ball.

15. They express their feelings.

People who don’t let stress get in their way know how to express themselves. They speak about their feelings and share what’s on their mind with people they trust. This helps to alleviate stress and bad moods, keeping them in top form so they can handle whatever life throws at them.

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Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.