14 Habits Of Unsuccessful People Who Never Move Forward In Life

14 Habits Of Unsuccessful People Who Never Move Forward In Life Shutterstock

We all want to move forward in life, to achieve our goals and dreams. But sometimes, we get stuck. We see other people achieving success while we seem to be treading water. What sets them apart? It could be their habits. Some habits can hold us back and prevent us from reaching our full potential. With that in mind, here are some common habits of people who struggle to move forward and see if we can break free from them.

1. They dwell on the past.

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We all have regrets and past mistakes, but dwelling on them can be paralyzing, Psych Central warns. Unsuccessful people tend to get stuck in the “what ifs” and “if onlys,” replaying past events and blaming themselves or other people. This prevents them from focusing on the present and taking action towards the future. It’s like trying to drive a car while constantly looking in the rearview mirror — you’re bound to crash.

2. They make excuses.

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Unsuccessful people are masters of excuses. They blame external circumstances, other people, or even luck for their lack of progress. They rarely take ownership of their choices or actions, always finding reasons why things are out of their control. This victim mentality keeps them stuck and prevents them from taking responsibility for their lives.

3. They fear failure.

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Fear of failure can be a major roadblock to success. Unsuccessful people often avoid taking risks or trying new things because they’re afraid of making mistakes or not living up to expectations. This fear keeps them in their comfort zone, preventing them from learning, growing, and reaching their full potential. It’s like staying on the shore because you’re afraid of drowning, but never experiencing the thrill of swimming in the ocean.

4. They procrastinate.

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Procrastination is the enemy of progress. Unsuccessful people often put off important tasks, preferring to indulge in distractions or busywork. They might wait until the last minute, leading to rushed and subpar work, or they might avoid the task altogether, missing out on opportunities and falling behind. It’s like having a to-do list, but constantly adding new items to the bottom instead of checking things off.

5. They lack self-discipline.

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Self-discipline is the fuel that drives success. Unsuccessful people often struggle with self-control, giving in to temptations and distractions easily. They might lack the willpower to stick to their goals, follow through on commitments, or maintain healthy habits. It’s like having a GPS guiding you to your destination, but constantly taking detours and ending up lost.

6. They have a fixed mindset.

bored guy texting on couch

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People with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities and intelligence are set in stone. They avoid challenges, give up easily, and see effort as fruitless. This mindset prevents them from learning new things, developing their skills, and adapting to change. It’s like believing that you can’t learn to play the piano because you weren’t born with musical talent, instead of practicing and improving with time.

7. They surround themselves with negative people.

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The company we keep can have a profound impact on our mindset and behavior. Unsuccessful people often surround themselves with negative, pessimistic, or unsupportive individuals. This can create a toxic environment that reinforces self-doubt, limits their beliefs, and discourages them from taking action. It’s like trying to grow a plant in a dark room — it will never reach its full potential without sunlight.

8. They lack clear goals.

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Unsuccessful people often lack clear goals or direction in life. They might have vague aspirations, but no concrete plans or steps to achieve them. This lack of focus and direction can lead to drifting aimlessly, wasting time and energy on unproductive activities. It’s like setting sail without a map or compass — you might end up anywhere, but probably not where you want to be.

9. They compare themselves to their peers.

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Social media has made it easier than ever to compare ourselves to other people, but this constant comparison can be detrimental. Unsuccessful people tend to focus on what other people have achieved, feeling envious or inadequate, instead of using it as motivation. This comparison trap can lead to discouragement, self-doubt, and a reluctance to take action, as they feel they can never measure up. It’s like trying to run a race while constantly looking at the runners ahead of you instead of focusing on your own pace.

10. They lack self-awareness.

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Unsuccessful people often lack self-awareness, meaning they’re unaware of their strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. This lack of self-understanding can lead to making poor choices, pursuing the wrong goals, and repeating the same mistakes. It’s like trying to build a house without knowing what materials you have or what kind of house you want to build.

11. They resist change.

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Change is inevitable in life, but unsuccessful people often resist it. They cling to familiar routines, habits, and beliefs, even if they’re not serving them well. This resistance to change can prevent them from adapting to new situations, learning new skills, and growing as individuals. It’s like refusing to update your phone’s operating system, even though it’s slow, buggy, and incompatible with new apps.

12. They blame other people for their problems.

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Similar to making excuses, blaming other people is a way of avoiding responsibility. Unsuccessful people often point fingers at their parents, partners, bosses, or even society for their problems. This externalization of blame prevents them from taking ownership of their lives and making positive changes. It’s like blaming the weather for being late to work instead of waking up earlier or leaving the house sooner.

13. They lack passion and purpose.

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According to the Harvard Business Review, passion and purpose are powerful motivators that can drive us to achieve great things. Unsuccessful people often lack a clear sense of purpose or passion in their lives. They might go through the motions, doing what’s expected of them, but without any real enthusiasm or drive. This lack of passion can lead to boredom, apathy, and a sense of emptiness. It’s like driving a car without any destination in mind – you might enjoy the scenery for a while, but eventually, you’ll run out of gas.

14. They don’t learn from their mistakes.

serious woman long dark hair outside

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Everyone makes mistakes, but the difference between successful and unsuccessful people is how they handle them. Unsuccessful people tend to repeat the same mistakes, not learning from their experiences or using them as opportunities for growth. They might get stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage, repeating the same patterns that led to failure in the past. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle but refusing to try different approaches, even when the current one isn’t working.

Harper Stanley graduated from Eugene Lang College at The New School in NYC in 2006 with a degree in Media Studies and Literature and Critical Analysis. After graduating, she worked as an editorial assistant at The Atlantic before moving to the UK to work for the London Review of Books.

When she's not waxing poetic about literature, she's writing articles about dating, relationships, and other women's lifestyle topics to help make their lives better. While shocking, she really has somehow managed to avoid joining any social media apps — a fact she's slightly smug about.